Access and Response
Tiered Communication Ensures Access and Response–Setting the CleanNet® Commercial Cleaning Program Apart from Others
With the CleanNet USA® System, you receive outstanding quality assurance and customer communication. CleanNet USA® and its franchise operators provide outstanding customer communications to ensure that your needs are always addressed.
Log Books for Daily Instructions
As part of the CleanNet USA® system, your franchise operator will keep a log book at your site to encourage daily communication between you and your CleanNet® professional. Simply write any special requirements or other notes of interest for the franchise cleaning crew to attend to, and it will be addressed that evening. The crew can use the log book to note any unusual conditions they have observed at your facility, such as doors left unlocked or lights left on. The log book is reviewed and signed each night.
Damage Reports
The CleanNet USA® franchise crew members are required to report any damage, breakage, plumbing problems or maintenance needs immediately to the franchise operator. If this occurs, a report will be entered in your log book.
Cell Phones for Cleaning Crews
All CleanNet USA® franchisee crews are equipped with cell phones so they can be reached 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
24-Hour Help Desk and Emergency Response
CleanNet USA® maintains a 24/7 hotline for prompt response to special situations, including a guaranteed 90-minute emergency reply!
In case of an emergency at your facility, our personnel will immediately contact your franchise operator and follow the emergency procedures you have prescribed for the facility. This centralized message center demonstrates our commitment to be as efficient and responsive as possible.
Regular Customer Feedback
Each month, we email you a satisfaction survey so you can rate your franchisee’s performance. Your input helps us understand your level of satisfaction and allows us to address any additional services or concerns right away.
To request a cleaning service proposal or additional information, please contact us today by calling 800.735.8838 or filling out this brief request for proposal form.
To request a cleaning service proposal or additional information, please contact us today by calling 800.735.8838 or filling out this brief request for proposal form.